You wait in line at the security checkpoint, putting in your freshly charged air plugs. A lightly-mechanical female voice emits into your ears at 1.25x speed. The screens of everyone around you play the same compulsory pre-security, pre-flight video.

"Greetings FNAME,

Thank you for choosing to fly with Soul Air. To prepare for your trip, we’ve included this single-serving course for all things to expect on your journey. As one of our most POSITIVE_ADJECTIVE travelers, we hope to set only the highest standard as your premiere regional airline. Let’s get started, shall we?

SECTION_1_TITLE percent sign percent sign open bracket open bracket Internal Comment: ampersand nbsp semicolon ampersand nbsp semicolon Placeholder section title, update when back from surgery percent sign percent sign closed bracket closed bracket end line.

As part of our newly expanded pre-flight experience we ask you to refrain from engaging with other passengers or airport personnel while en route to your final desti — …"

The voice trails off into your subconscious as the security agent thrusts out a hand. You exchange your ID card, boarding pass, then place your hand on the scanner.

A habitual, “Good morning, how’s it going,” falls out of your mouth before you realize your mistake. The security agent pauses, shooting you a wary look that lingers 3 heartbeats too long.

“Eyes directly on the camera.” The screen in front of you displays the camera’s view. A box appears around your face as the grey check boxes on the left hand side of the screen turn to green.

A familiar prick finds the pad of your ring finger. You watch as “Vaccination Status: …” idles on screen. The security agent passes you a trained and optimally-timed look of disapproval.

All check boxes go green. The agent’s hand gestures generically, dismissing you and inviting the next traveler.

An unhappy looking airport security agent.
You forget that the guidelines around casual conversation were recently revised.

You replace your air plugs to find the on-boarding video carrying on.

…-s such, we encourage all travelers to remember that it’s everyone’s duty to keep each other safe and document any suspicious behavior with your smartphone or tablet device. While logged into our complimentary, best-in-class Soul Air Supercharged WiFi, you may submit any security concerns and accompanying media directly to us by clicking the shield icon in the top right of your screen.

If you are part of our Gold Premiere Select Traveler progra — …

The voice trails off again as you remove your air plugs in preparation for the security checkpoint. You run through a checklist in your mind to make sure everything’s in the bin.

Shoes? Check. Belt? Check. Phone, wallet, keys? Ch-KEYS! Oh… phew… always in the checked bag now. No jewelry. No removable layers. No hat. Check, check, check.

Then, you begin running through the new checklist every airport implemented last month. You open up the Soul Air app on your phone — already open — and flip through the confirmations.

Conversations… yup, the regular faces. Places visited, looks good. Suspicious experiences… blank, nothing out of the ordinary.

A sleep deprived airport security agent waves you forward. The butt of the machine pistol on her hip taps the side of the conveyor belt as she hobbles to her chair in an ankle brace.

You swipe your QR code using the Soul Air app, then hand your phone to the agent as you enter the scanner. While your hands are above your head, they openly plug it into the checkpoint dock. You see your screen go green as the scan completes.

A row of biometric turnstiles.
A familiar scan, prick, and shuffle of the feet through the turnstiles.

As you reassemble your items you insert your air plugs just in time to hear the end of the pre-flight on-boarding.

“-ecause here at Soul Air, we believe every traveler has a story to tell, and every destination is worth it. Soul Air, real travel for real people.”

The 1.25x speed Soul Air voice fades out to a well-made but forgettable tune. You remove your air plugs and look around.

The terminal is full. Most weary faces sit, arched downwards, illuminated by the glow of their smartphones. Some scan the crowd, phones in hand, fulfilling a freshly installed sense of duty to pay digital attention to anything out of the ordinary.

The terminal is silent. Recalling the incident at the checkpoint you restart the pre-flight on-boarding video and mindlessly return your attention to the screen.

You’re just another traveler intent on arriving safe and sound. Still, best to not look suspicious.