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Jamey Lyon

Jamey Lyon

93 posts

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6 stages of (creative) identity formation

Forming a (creative) identity happens through a number of processes that happen at different times.

Here's how creative identity differs from self-concept

Self-concept focuses on the parts of you that you can know, understand, and describe. Creative identity focuses on something else entirely.

What is creative self-concept?

Creative self-concept is your long-term, foundational, “this-is-the-type-of-creative I-am-or-am-not” self-perception.

What is creative metacognition?

How well you know your creative skills and how well you can apply those skills is called creative metacognition.

What is creative self-efficacy?

How well you judge your own abilities to do a creative task is called your creative self-efficacy.

Reclaim your creative self-image with this 90-second activity

Creatives are particularly vulnerable to the forces of self-image. Here's a brief activity to shift your perspective for the better…

Are suggestion algorithms stealing creators' time?

Social media algorithms are stealing your time by demanding increasing quantity regardless of quality.

DAFT*: The opposite of SMART goals for creative work

Goal setting for creative projects is a bit more than being SMART. Here's what else creatives should consider when guiding your process.

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