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Jamey Lyon

Jamey Lyon

93 posts

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The Art of Self-Destruction by Jamey Lyon

omg [Explicit]

Listen to omg by Jamey Lyon, song 1 on The Art of Self-Destruction EP.

A person holding up a mirror fragment that's reflecting back at their eye.

3 questions to revive your creative self

Lately I’ve been thinking about how many people I meet say they “could never be creative,” and how that’s something I’d like to help change in my spheres.

4 questions to help your art resonate more

4 questions to help your art resonate more

Ask yourself these 4 questions in sequence to help your audience feel less alone by creating something that resonates with them.

A person laid on their back, on the floor, staring up at the ceiling.

Train with craft, write with emotion

Great creatives have practiced enough they reflexively make things that are good, allowing them to focus on putting their deepest feelings.

You Better

Nobody can love you better than you.

An over-the-shoulder view of a person working at their laptop on their bed.

UNDI: What every value-maker should avoid being

UNDI stands for “useless noise, delete immediately”. Read on to see how signals become UNDI, and how to counteract it.

A man hunched over a desk of writing tools, at work.

My simple stack to run a challenge

Recently, I set up a simple system to run a creative challenge. Here’s how I put it together, tools included.

A woman sat at a cafe, reading.

How I read for insightful action (my 4-step practice)

If you want to quickly apply your readings to your life, this method has worked wonders for me.

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