Lately I’ve been thinking about how many people I meet say they “could never be creative,” and how that’s something I’d like to help change in my spheres.

Our thoughts often become our actions, and so a prohibitive thought prohibits the action. The notion that many vibrant people are walking around thinking they’re not creative makes me feel sad at all that obscured potential.

We make a ton of the creative decisions throughout the day that we might not think of as creative. Your wardrobe, your diet, how you choose to move your body, the content you consume, the words you choose in conversation. These all contribute to — and create — your identity.

If you want to water the seeds of creativity within you, consider and apply these questions:

  • What parts of my lifestyle have I created unintentionally?
  • What parts of my self do I love and feel vibrancy in?
  • What small change can I create in my daily life to let that vibrancy shine through more?